Old but not bus­ted … – Die­ser Inhalt wur­de vor mehr als 4 Jah­ren publi­ziert. Die Kor­rekt­heit und Ver­füg­bar­keit von Links kön­nen lei­der nicht gewähr­leis­tet werden.

Housten, I have a problem …

At work I have to use a VPN con­nec­tion. Curr­ent­ly the­re is set up a (so cal­led) SSH jump-host, that only accepts con­nec­tions from out­side the internal/VPN network.

Pro­blem with that: If the VPN con­nec­tion is up it’s not pos­si­ble to SSH to the jump-host any­mo­re, becau­se my local machi­ne (with the VPN con­nec­tion) has an inter­nal IP address and is not allo­wed to con­nect to the jump-host.


I crea­ted a udev rule for the VPN inter­face tun0.
That rules worke like this: Crea­te a new rou­te (to the jump-host) over my default net­work inter­face if the VPN con­nec­tion is up and dele­te that rule if tun0 wents down.

And here are this udev rules for you – and myself … 🙂

  1. Crea­te the file with/for both udev rules as root (you can free­ly name the file as you want): /etc/udev/rules.d/99-tun0.rules
  2. Insert the fol­lo­wing two lines/rules, replace 
    • with the jump-host IP
    • your local gate­way IP
    • default_interface with your local/default net­work inter­face (for me it’s wlp2s0; you can use ip addr to see all interfaces)
  3. Restart (as root) the udev ser­vice: systemctl status udev
KERNEL=="tun0", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/sbin/ip route add via dev default_interface"
KERNEL=="tun0", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/sbin/ip route delete via dev default_interface"

Housten, the problem is fixed …

Thanks (for hints and inspi­ra­ti­on) to

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