Old but not bus­ted … – Die­ser Inhalt wur­de vor mehr als 3 Jah­ren publi­ziert. Die Kor­rekt­heit und Ver­füg­bar­keit von Links kön­nen lei­der nicht gewähr­leis­tet werden.

Sin­ce 2020 I use a Nord (EU ver­si­on) as my dai­ly dri­ver. I’ve never put Lineage (#wha­te­ver) on it, for reasons … But I’ve roo­ted it with Magisk, use Nova, a fire­wall (AFWall+), an ad-blo­cker (AdA­way), … – I’d say it’s very good cus­to­mi­sed. Upgrading Oxy­ge­nOS by the OTA and always patching the new ver­si­on after instal­la­ti­on by Magisk befo­re the reboot work­ed very well.

Until today …
I saw the noti­fi­ca­ti­on for a new OOS ver­si­on and touch­ed the but­ton, as alway. But this time my Nord straight went black and reboo­ted. After start­ing up neither AFWall+, nor AdA­way came up and the (still instal­led) Magisk app say­ed: #nope I’m not instal­led (any­mo­re).

Long sto­ry short: I lost root (by Magisk) on my Nord after upgrading (wit­hout patching the new instal­led image/version with Magisk befo­re the reboot) to Oxy­ge­nOS ver­si­on AC2003_11.F.13.

Here is my quick fix (after rese­ar­ching a lot about the who­le stuff, like every time ;-)) for you and also as my notebook.

The ori­gi­nal gui­de from XDA ‘How to root the One­Plus Nord with Magisk’ is very good and clean. #thanks! It also appli­es to this cur­rent situa­ti­on. You can skip the first part ‘Pre­pa­ring your One­Plus Nord’ becau­se all this steps are still done, from your pre-upgrade process.

Start­ing at the second part ‘Roo­ting your One­Plus Nord‘ you can skip some steps or parts of them. I think steps 2 (2.1 you can skip) and 3 are essen­ti­al. But plea­se read all the stuff and under­stand what you are doing.
For the link to the cur­rent boot image (EU ver­si­on) at 2.2 I found one at XDA: thanks a lot @TheSSJ for his fast rep­ly and work. #usa­ved­my­day! (And may­be this link will also end in the offi­ci­al list of repos of OOS builds …)

Fol­lo­wing the rest of the steps left me with a re-roo­ted Nord. 🙂

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